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Price gouging for 2nd hand ballas passes. Agree or disagree?
April 9, 2019
9:13 pm
Forum Posts: 1561
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September 1, 2014
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SteelCityDahmer said

Karacalla said
Nope. I paid for something. Didn't receive what I paid for. That doesn't fly anywhere else, so it's not going to fly with Psychopathic records.
Not about the money, it's the principal.
Complacent fucks, such as yourself and others here, have sat back and allowed this to happen so often its become the norm and people have become desensitized to it to the point where Psy actually re-sells the FREE CD's....that no one recieved...and paid for.
You proud of that? Like you are that passive aggressive to where you pay for goods and services and receive nothing and just walk off going  'Aw, shux man.'
If so, your life must be horribly basic.
Lol at the loss of 50 bucks hurting my wallet. TF I look like, you?

This is what makes you look so soft. You know nothing bout me. Yet, you're going to just insult me like you've known me for years. You do this anytime somebody calls you. You act like you're better than everybody on this forum. I'd rather have 1,000 KluKluxKlown threads than see your whiny ass name come up once.  

Complacent fucks like myself? Nah, I've always received what I've paid for.  Do you have the right to be mad? Sure. The part that makes it look like it's hurting your wallet and your feelings is how you always bring it up. Write them an email or something and shut the fuck about it because nobody here cares. To quote you "Take it up with Psy’s customer service like errrr body else, mate." Would I have been mad if I didn't get something that I paid for at a VIP meet and greet? yeah, of course. Maybe for about a week or two and then I would have moved the fuck on. It would be have been some bullshit, but I wouldn't bring it up every chance I'd get. Considering what else comes with that $50 VIP ticket. Shit happens. Since you have to get an album pressed before the tour even starts it would be pretty impressive to have the exact amount of cds needed. 

I assume you're talking about the Brother EP that they just sold. If that's the "free" CD you're talking about, then why you mad about the one you didn't get? Since they're "free" cds you didn't really get fucked then did you?   

So what has you so triggered then?

The 50 dollars thing or your life is horribly basic thing, lol.

Oh, you don't like me?

Pffff...get in line with the others, if you can't find them look for the banner that reads, 'Shit Karacalla could give two fucks about', Ninjas been there for so long they created a boy band group called, Spooky and the funky beta bunch.

Unlike you, I dont need the comfort of total stranger's to get me through my day.

Yea, I'd say the basic thing got you triggered.

You're dismissed.

Bitch, I'm Karacalla, what the fucks a SteelCityDahmer?

Now you've made me late for scruffies allocated ten minutes of free time outside of his cage. He's so white now from the lack of sunlight, hes basically see through.

Down boy, I said get down, lemme get your leash....fuck...


April 9, 2019
9:53 pm
Forum Posts: 3072
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January 28, 2016
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So the overall consensus is fuck anybody that tries to make things "more rare" than they already are...its cool for someone to "arts and crafts" something, but buying out "merch" to capitalize off of is wrong. 

What sucks the most is people are even bootlegging cds and shirts that are "OG" nowadays,  fuck the hustlers and give respect to the creative ninjas. 

Whoop Whoop SPOOKYtheFUNGI :

April 9, 2019
10:17 pm
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Yeah, it's a wack thing to do IMO. But hey why not just pull up on the guy & get your money back @ said event 👌

Whoop Whoop m0sh :

April 9, 2019
10:23 pm
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druggalo said
Yeah, it's a wack thing to do IMO. But hey why not just pull up on the guy & get your money back @ said event 👌  

I don't condone violence.

I'd rather not support those who are obviously trying to rip you off by putting money in their pocket. 

No need to rally up cuz "you fucked up"  cuz you got caught slippin'


April 9, 2019
10:37 pm
Forum Posts: 334
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Karacalla said

SteelCityDahmer said

Karacalla said
Nope. I paid for something. Didn't receive what I paid for. That doesn't fly anywhere else, so it's not going to fly with Psychopathic records.
Not about the money, it's the principal.
Complacent fucks, such as yourself and others here, have sat back and allowed this to happen so often its become the norm and people have become desensitized to it to the point where Psy actually re-sells the FREE CD's....that no one recieved...and paid for.
You proud of that? Like you are that passive aggressive to where you pay for goods and services and receive nothing and just walk off going  'Aw, shux man.'
If so, your life must be horribly basic.
Lol at the loss of 50 bucks hurting my wallet. TF I look like, you?

This is what makes you look so soft. You know nothing bout me. Yet, you're going to just insult me like you've known me for years. You do this anytime somebody calls you. You act like you're better than everybody on this forum. I'd rather have 1,000 KluKluxKlown threads than see your whiny ass name come up once.  

Complacent fucks like myself? Nah, I've always received what I've paid for.  Do you have the right to be mad? Sure. The part that makes it look like it's hurting your wallet and your feelings is how you always bring it up. Write them an email or something and shut the fuck about it because nobody here cares. To quote you "Take it up with Psy’s customer service like errrr body else, mate." Would I have been mad if I didn't get something that I paid for at a VIP meet and greet? yeah, of course. Maybe for about a week or two and then I would have moved the fuck on. It would be have been some bullshit, but I wouldn't bring it up every chance I'd get. Considering what else comes with that $50 VIP ticket. Shit happens. Since you have to get an album pressed before the tour even starts it would be pretty impressive to have the exact amount of cds needed. 

I assume you're talking about the Brother EP that they just sold. If that's the "free" CD you're talking about, then why you mad about the one you didn't get? Since they're "free" cds you didn't really get fucked then did you?   

So what has you so triggered then?

The 50 dollars thing or your life is horribly basic thing, lol.

Oh, you don't like me?

Pffff...get in line with the others, if you can't find them look for the banner that reads, 'Shit Karacalla could give two fucks about', Ninjas been there for so long they created a boy band group called, Spooky and the funky beta bunch.

Unlike you, I dont need the comfort of total stranger's to get me through my day.

Yea, I'd say the basic thing got you triggered.

You're dismissed.

Bitch, I'm Karacalla, what the fucks a SteelCityDahmer?

Now you've made me late for scruffies allocated ten minutes of free time outside of his cage. He's so white now from the lack of sunlight, hes basically see through.

Down boy, I said get down, lemme get your leash....fuck...  

lololol If my response is me being triggered, then you're triggered every time you post on here. You're a funny dude. You project a lot. "Shit Karacalla could give two fucks about" but you're in every thread being turd to everybody, makes sense. Keep doing you, dude. 

Whoop Whoop SteelCityDahmer :

April 9, 2019
11:19 pm
Forum Posts: 1561
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September 1, 2014
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So the overall consensus is fuck anybody that tries to make things "more rare" than they already are...its cool for someone to "arts and crafts" something, but buying out "merch" to capitalize off of is wrong. 

What sucks the most is people are even bootlegging cds and shirts that are "OG" nowadays,  fuck the hustlers and give respect to the creative ninjas.   

So capitalizing off an intellectual property is ok if you, "Arts and Crafts" it, but purchasing something in bulk, then reselling it when you've driven up the demand for it is wrong?

Your logic is flawed.

Spooky, being broke and poor in America is a state of mind. The only person stopping you from being successful is yourself.

Others will pop up on here and have every excuse in the book as to why they are cash poor..in the end..the culprit is always laziness and severe lack of motivation.

But I have a disability..a drug problem...I dont come from a wealthy family..I dont have a car..I'm have a criminal record....I live in a rural area...bla..bla..bla..bla..

If a quadriplegic who has to blow in to a straw to move around can hustle and work, and manages to greet me at the door everytime I enter into Walmart, there is no excuses for the rest of y'all. 

Stop complaining about being poor and broke and cutting down ninjas who are out running you in the rat race.

This is why I emphasized the word coddling in describing you and some others here. Your parent/parent's instilled in you that you were special..one of a kind..so when you entered into the real world you actually took that philosophy with you.

Well, as I'm sure you know by now, or if you don't, your not.

No one outside of your immediate family gives a flying fuck about what your going through or cares about your feelings and all that other bullshit. Outside of your front door awaits a 'What can you do for me' world, and to some extant, a 'What have you done for me lately' world that will step over your starving ass in the street and won't think twice about doing so.

Younger people struggle with this harsh reality and can't seem to except it, the millenials, not all, but a majority of you.

Ninjas born in the 80's are old enough now to understand you do what you have to do, by any means necessary, to make it.

While you are complaining about the guy selling bootlegs, he's making $ and your wasting time observing and hating. The guy hustling Balla passes, same thing. Me holding private auctions, the same.

If your not a college graduate or come from wealth, you seriously better have a skilled trade or a side hustle, and depending on if you have a family, both.

Whoop Whoop Karacalla :

Miklo Velka


April 9, 2019
11:29 pm
Forum Posts: 358
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May 11, 2012
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Radam said
Nah fuck this cunt! I have the money, I wanted a Ballers Pass. I missed out because of the website outage and as far I could tell there wasn't a very clear announcement as to when exactly the site would go live with days of fuck arounds.
Plus I had to deal with the time difference from Australia.
I logged on as soon as I saw that it was live and they had already gone.
Buying more than you need to make a quick buck off something like this is fucking disrespectful! Bottom line.  

Dude, you bitch more than a woman on her rag. First it was, Why doesn't ICP come to the Downunda' more often, now you didn't get a balla pass.

Shut up.

Go outside and practice throwing your fucking boomerang or try to out hop a kangaroo or some shit. Take it up with Psy's customer service like errrr body else, mate.

Ole' Now that's a knife ass muh fucka.  

HA HA I don't remember complaining about ICP touring Australia more often. I'm grateful they have twice so far and that's more than most other countries.

I might of got a Ballas Pass if pieces of shit didn't buy more than they needed to make a quick buck.

Thanks for proving me right though, that scalpers like you are disrespectful.

April 10, 2019
1:29 pm
Miklo Velka
Miklo Velka
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Karacalla said

So capitalizing off an intellectual property is ok if you, "Arts and Crafts" it, but purchasing something in bulk, then reselling it when you've driven up the demand for it is wrong?

Your logic is flawed.

Spooky, being broke and poor in America is a state of mind. The only person stopping you from being successful is yourself.

Others will pop up on here and have every excuse in the book as to why they are cash poor..in the end..the culprit is always laziness and severe lack of motivation.

But I have a disability..a drug problem...I dont come from a wealthy family..I dont have a car..I'm have a criminal record....I live in a rural area...bla..bla..bla..bla..

If a quadriplegic who has to blow in to a straw to move around can hustle and work, and manages to greet me at the door everytime I enter into Walmart, there is no excuses for the rest of y'all. 

Stop complaining about being poor and broke and cutting down ninjas who are out running you in the rat race.

This is why I emphasized the word coddling in describing you and some others here. Your parent/parent's instilled in you that you were special..one of a kind..so when you entered into the real world you actually took that philosophy with you.

Well, as I'm sure you know by now, or if you don't, your not.

No one outside of your immediate family gives a flying fuck about what your going through or cares about your feelings and all that other bullshit. Outside of your front door awaits a 'What can you do for me' world, and to some extant, a 'What have you done for me lately' world that will step over your starving ass in the street and won't think twice about doing so.

Younger people struggle with this harsh reality and can't seem to except it, the millenials, not all, but a majority of you.

Ninjas born in the 80's are old enough now to understand you do what you have to do, by any means necessary, to make it.

While you are complaining about the guy selling bootlegs, he's making $ and your wasting time observing and hating. The guy hustling Balla passes, same thing. Me holding private auctions, the same.

If your not a college graduate or come from wealth, you seriously better have a skilled trade or a side hustle, and depending on if you have a family, both.  


Image Enlarger

Whoop Whoop Miklo Velka :

April 10, 2019
2:20 pm
Forum Posts: 1202
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May 13, 2013
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Image Enlarger


April 10, 2019
4:49 pm
영덕, South Korea

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August 6, 2013
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A few things.



2. Just because you CAN change a tire, doesn't mean you always WANT to. I've changed plenty of tires. Even had a hydraulic jack when I was Stateside. But if it's snowing in the middle of winter, I'm probably gonna call AAA. If I have AAA, I'm gonna use their services. Otherwise I'm just waiting my money.

3. My expenses are so low here that I'm able to make significant dents in my student loans pretty quickly, and that makes me happy.

4. Fuck a scalper.

5. Just because a have a job doesn't mean you'll be able to get ahead.

6. My dad was disabled in the 80s due to a car accident, but ended up working until he died.

7. Walmart is phasing out their greeter jobs. What job will the homie moving with a straw move on to next?

April 10, 2019
5:22 pm
Forum Posts: 1561
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September 1, 2014
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Pigg said

A few things.



2. Just because you CAN change a tire, doesn't mean you always WANT to. I've changed plenty of tires. Even had a hydraulic jack when I was Stateside. But if it's snowing in the middle of winter, I'm probably gonna call AAA. If I have AAA, I'm gonna use their services. Otherwise I'm just waiting my money.

3. My expenses are so low here that I'm able to make significant dents in my student loans pretty quickly, and that makes me happy.

4. Fuck a scalper.

5. Just because a have a job doesn't mean you'll be able to get ahead.

6. My dad was disabled in the 80s due to a car accident, but ended up working until he died.

7. Walmart is phasing out their greeter jobs. What job will the homie moving with a straw move on to next?  

I had a rebuttal for each number, but deleted it...

Look Pigg, I don't want you distracted with my jargon, that's taking precious learning time away from them kids.

You not over there to play. Now settle down, inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth, log off of FLH and get to teaching compound words.

I've grown to respect what you do to much to have a back-and-forth with you, as for these other folks, I'll move some shit around my schedule to address them.

Radam said

Dude, you bitch more than a woman on her rag. First it was, Why doesn't ICP come to the Downunda' more often, now you didn't get a balla pass.
Shut up.
Go outside and practice throwing your fucking boomerang or try to out hop a kangaroo or some shit. Take it up with Psy's customer service like errrr body else, mate.
Ole' Now that's a knife ass muh fucka.  

HA HA I don't remember complaining about ICP touring Australia more often. I'm grateful they have twice so far and that's more than most other countries.

I might of got a Ballas Pass if pieces of shit didn't buy more than they needed to make a quick buck.

Thanks for proving me right though, that scalpers like you are disrespectful.  


Bet ya favorite superhero is....






April 10, 2019
6:48 pm
Louisville, Kentucky
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Wal-Mart's waiting on the Quadra to die off so they can collect on the life insurance they take out on all their old people.

The American dream is a whole nother conversation that is too god damn big to unpack in a post. I feel like, yes, you have to drive to get ahead. Yes, the world is unfair and mean.

Keep in mind though the vast majority of people dont even have a 1000 saved up for an emergency.

All I'm saying is shit aint so cut and dry as if you are broke it's because you are lazy.

Too many factors. 

But yeah, I do hate the bum mentality.

Whoop Whoop Slumerican502 :

April 11, 2019
6:36 am
영덕, South Korea

Forum Posts: 6492
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August 6, 2013
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Slumerican502 said
Wal-Mart's waiting on the Quadra to die off so they can collect on the life insurance they take out on all their old people.

The American dream is a whole nother conversation that is too god damn big to unpack in a post. I feel like, yes, you have to drive to get ahead. Yes, the world is unfair and mean.

Keep in mind though the vast majority of people dont even have a 1000 saved up for an emergency.

All I'm saying is shit aint so cut and dry as if you are broke it's because you are lazy.

Too many factors. 

But yeah, I do hate the bum mentality.  

My pops was one of those old people. He got dealt really shit hand in life.

It's a long story I can dive into if people wanna hear it, but I don't want to further detail the thread.

Also, Karacalla, I appreciate it. Here's the thing though: I think people who disagree should be able to talk about WHY they disagree without going for each other's throats.


Sometimes people just like to pop off and vent. I do it too. And the internet makes it way easier for people to just shit on each other, but I feel like there are some serious discussions that could be had on the forum if people would just stop trolling each other and talk to each other like adults.


But that'll never happen, so fuck all of you, and me too.

April 11, 2019
8:52 am
Louisville, Kentucky
Forum Posts: 4717
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I'd like to hear his story.


Every once in a while theres a good discussion to be had on here. Its just hard when we are all juggalo degenerates(I mean that in a good way).


Anyone else notice it's been buzzing around here more lately? Wonder Why that is...

April 11, 2019
9:02 am
Forum Posts: 3248
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August 10, 2017
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I know ive already read a few stories, some i told my own story. Dont think any have been in the right threads.

The floor is yours Mr. Pigg.

Yeah bitches, im that short gentleman mentioned in that youtube video.

And the very nice, level headed guy from that other youtube video.

April 11, 2019
11:31 am
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Slumerican502 said 
...Anyone else notice it's been buzzing around here more lately? Wonder Why that is...  


  RAFtn26.gif 3hm5B2c.gif VFyFLdU.gif  


April 12, 2019
11:02 pm
Forum Posts: 1853
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October 30, 2013
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Slumerican502 said

Anyone else notice it's been buzzing around here more lately? Wonder Why that is...  

If by that, you might mean, the kind of din that rises up from above a "proudly made" pile of shit...?

Then, yes. "Anyone" has noticed.



On the other side of things, I gotta say that I'm kinda disappointed in NotSlim1... I've been checking out his videos (on my own) for years now and I wouldn't have pegged him for the scalper type.

Ay, "Opportunity is where you find it" an' all but...

... at some point... you gotta ask yourself:

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