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Top 5 Worst Psychopathic CDs
November 29, 2015
10:32 pm
Forum Posts: 417
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Thought I start an interesting topic. Psychopathic has had some great releases. However there have been some bad releases and I was curious to see what peoples opinions are on some of the wackest releases. 

5. Insane Clown Posse: The Tempest

The Tempest is an album that I think Juggalos agree came out during a bland period for ICP. I loved the album for like the first few tracks but once Him Drum Boogie hit, the album was seriously hit and miss and had so many forgettable tracks. Only tracks I like are The Tower, Play my song, If I was a serial killer, Ride the Tempest and Growing Again. I honestly enjoyed Eye of the Storm more then the main album.


4. Twiztid: Heart Broken and Homicidal

OK. Twiztid to this day in my opinion have only released 1 ugly release. Upon announcing the title of the album I remember Juggalos complained that "Twiztid was going emo" because the title according to some juggalos sounded like a My Chemical Romance CD. I didn't care because there's a fine line between Homicide and Suicide. I was super pumped because Twiztid killed it a year prior with W.I.C.K.E.D. So I had high hopes for the following release. Sadly it was an unmemorable release and honestly I forget about H&H in all honesty. If you were to ask me my favorite tracks, I couldn't name one. Thankfully Twiztid returned with fire with Abominationz

3.Legz Diamond & The Purple Gang: 9 Pistolas.

Legz it looked like he had a promising album coming out. He was part of so many masterpieces during the Riddlebox and Great Milenko era and so on. I wish they hadn't put Sugar Slam on this album. Her voice I just wasn't feeling and she seemed out of place. Sometimes I wish Legz and released material in the mid 90s after Riddlebox. The album itself had a few decent tracks but it came of as weak and didn't come close to my expectations.

2. Esham: A 1 Yola

This is were Esham fell off. I can't finish this album if I were to try to. Its a far cry from the Esham I love and sadly every album since then has been the same pile of shit A 1 Yola is. Esham had a mediocre run on Psychopathic and he finished off with one of my least favorite releases. 

1.Cold 187um

I gave this album a chance but in the end didn't care for the final result. Firstly it came out the same day as Abominatioz. So my attention was more on it. I listened to it the first time and I thought " This is kinda fun guessing the beat for every track" By the second listen I found the album to be lazy and preferred original beats be created. My opinion when I hear the beat of "So High" kick in I love it. Then 187ums vocals kick in and it kills the vibe. So I wanna hear So High instantly. Finally the albums story was nowhere as fun as Wizard of the Hood.

November 29, 2015
11:30 pm
Miklo Velka
Miklo Velka
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Sorry dude, you lost a lot of credibility by putting A1 Yola and The Tempest on your list.

So many worse Lp's on the Hatchet than those two.

Hoodoo's album sucked balls.

Abbadon sucked balls.

Forgotten Freshness 5 sucked balls.

But you are bang on about 9 pistolas, that sucked huge donkey dick.


November 29, 2015
11:54 pm
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Miklo Velka said
Sorry dude, you lost a lot of credibility by putting A1 Yola and The Tempest on your list.

So many worse Lp's on the Hatchet than those two.

Hoodoo's album sucked balls.

Abbadon sucked balls.

Forgotten Freshness 5 sucked balls.

But you are bang on about 9 pistolas, that sucked huge donkey dick.


Its cool bro. I can listen to the Tempest but it didn't strike me like their work before then, and no denying FF5 was a piss poor release. 

November 30, 2015
1:30 am
Mr. Tidwell
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In no official order

Mans myth / mutant

The tempest

The calm... 

Black rain

But the worst ever: independents day


November 30, 2015
6:11 am
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these threads are always interesting to me. it reminds me that everyone here hates what I love.lol anyway it early, so I dunno about top 5 but my least fav release.......Bang Pow Boom. hands down. I remember someone here refer to new ICP as like some Kids bop shit. that would be accurate with the aforementioned album. like, I know they've done happy sounding shit before but.....fuck man.

November 30, 2015
9:35 am
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Hmm, people hate Tempest and Independent's day? That's fuckin weird to me.

1- All of Esham's shit. Yeah I don't like Esham, disagree? Well, that doesn't change my opinion.
2- Cold 187um's album, pure shit.
3- Abaddon, the only songs I really like are Abaddon and Pillin Spree, and I prefer the original mix of Abaddon much more.
4- Smothered, Covered, and Chunked fucking suuuucks.
5- The Wraith: Remix Albums. There are literally NO good songs on those fuckers, in my opinion.

On a side note, I didn't think Legz' album was that bad.

November 30, 2015
11:02 am
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Miklo Velka said
Sorry dude, you lost a lot of credibility by putting A1 Yola and The Tempest on your list.

Abbadon sucked balls.

Forgotten Freshness 5 sucked balls.

and now you just lost all your credibility 

Miklo Velka said
But you are bang on about 9 pistolas, that sucked huge donkey dick.

and that quickly you just gained it back, lol

November 30, 2015
12:29 pm
Curbstomp Productions
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1.  Bang Pow Boom - Fuckin kiddy music 

2.  H&H - Just completely fuckin sucks

3.  MDP - Fuckin kiddy music 

4.  9 Pistolas - super wack!

5.  Hoodoo's joint...whatever its called!  Don't know, but that shit sucked.

6. just fuckin cuz - 'Found' cuz it fuckin sucked and again.....KIDDY MUSIC.  I was genuinely embarrassed listening to that joint.

7. just fuckin cuz - 'Mutant' boring ass forgettable ass crap ass album.  

Never heard Abbadon, or 187um......but I can only imagine.  And I agree with 1st dude, A 1 Yola did SUCK.  That's not the Esham I know and love that's for sure.  Is there more?  prolly...just cant think of them right now, all off the dome right here.


Other than that....I love PSY.  :)

November 30, 2015
12:29 pm
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My top five suck albums:

5b. *The Marvelous Missing Lost & Found

5a. All of ABK albums (besides the first album)

4. The Calm

3. Mirror/Mirror

2. Blaze - Gang Rags

1. ABK - Dirty History

*Has not stood the test of time of the suck factor but give it two years

The rest: FF4, The Tempest, A-1 Esham, PFOS3, DJ Clay's albums, Abbadon, The Wraith: Remix Albums

November 30, 2015
1:42 pm
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the_positive_smack said
am I the only one on here who liked 9 pistolas??

fear and respected, made man and eternally missed are all top notch songs the rest of the album not so much but I liked how different it was than anything else they released on psychopathic.

as for my top 5 worst albums??

pick any 5 twiztid albums you want and that's my top 5

Nah I thought 9 Pistolas was pretty good.

I used to love Twiztid, but recently I have realized I only like a few of their songs, and WICKED, but besides that I find most of their shit underwhelming and pretty boring.

November 30, 2015
2:03 pm
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5. Esham a1 yola- hated this album 

4. Boondox the Harvest- like his other releases could never get into this, didn't like the production

3. AMB- blood in blood out, hated this although I liked everything they released after this

2. The Tempest- aside from like 4 songs hated it, mike e brought some weak ass beats for this

1. abk mudface- just corny as hell and didnt feel it at all 

November 30, 2015
2:20 pm
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havoc00 said
5. Esham a1 yola- hated this album 

4. Boondox the Harvest- like his other releases could never get into this, didn't like the production

3. AMB- blood in blood out, hated this although I liked everything they released after this

2. The Tempest- aside from like 4 songs hated it, mike e brought some weak ass beats for this

1. abk mudface- just corny as hell and didnt feel it at all 

Ya know, I have heard sooo many people say that they hate Blood In Blood Out, but it's the only AMB release I actually like.
Up until a month ago I hated Mudface, but I listened to it from beginning to end and now I love it. Go figure.

November 30, 2015
5:54 pm
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Idk why everyone hate's on Heartbroken and Homicidal, I think It's got some banger's on it, Monoxide's production was dope. Apple, Heard Enough, Keys To My Mind. I fucking hate that PSA track that they do live tho. 


Bad psy releases.

The Calm

Cold 187

Legz obviously.

Myzery Par La isla

Violent Js The Shining


November 30, 2015
6:06 pm
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Bostin said
Idk why everyone hate's on Heartbroken and Homicidal, I think It's got some banger's on it, Monoxide's production was dope. Apple, Heard Enough, Keys To My Mind. I fucking hate that PSA track that they do live tho. 


Bad psy releases.

The Calm

Cold 187

Legz obviously.

Myzery Par La isla

Violent Js The Shining

yea I liked hh too. dont agree with the myzery ep being bad though. and the shining is very meh, if they combined all the tracks meant for it, it would have been better 

November 30, 2015
6:16 pm
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I just never liked Myzery's style. 


December 1, 2015
2:05 pm
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If those AMB dudes released 5+, either together or solo, then that's 1-5.  Straight garbage, I'd pay not to listen to those fools.

Jump Steady's albums finish out the 5 if there aren't enough AMB albums.

There were some weak albums from others, for sure.  However, most albums I can find one or two tracks that I like, minus the preceding.  I haven't listend to any legz diamond, so I can't speak on that dude.

December 1, 2015
2:06 pm
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1. Krimson Creek - So disapointed by this release. Expecting more. South of Hell was the shit though.
2. Mirror Mirror - Put together to quickly. Even Twiztid admitted they threw it together with the quickness. Not good.
3. Mud Face - Much like Boondox's Krimson Creek I was expecting more but his next release, Medicine Bag, was the shit.
4. Charges of Indictment - Was never a huge fan of the Dayton Family, I can see what they were going for, just not my sytle. I'll rock the Psycho EP though.
5. Chaos Theory - Jumpsteady is definitely not a rapper and it shows on this release. His shit was tighter on his next release though. We need another audio book.

Side note...
Abaddon and The Only Solution were awesome albums!
Best Boondox has ever done and Cold 187um has awesome flows and story telling abilities.
Can't even believe these are getting so much hate.

December 1, 2015
6:05 pm
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surprised more people didnt put Pony Down. I thought everyone hated that release  

December 1, 2015
7:10 pm
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havoc00 said
surprised more people didnt put Pony Down. I thought everyone hated that release  

"All I Know" is one of the best beats ever put out by Psychopathic.

December 1, 2015
7:24 pm
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Rosco said
1. Krimson Creek - So disapointed by this release. Expecting more. South of Hell was the shit though.
2. Mirror Mirror - Put together to quickly. Even Twiztid admitted they threw it together with the quickness. Not good.
3. Mud Face - Much like Boondox's Krimson Creek I was expecting more but his next release, Medicine Bag, was the shit.
4. Charges of Indictment - Was never a huge fan of the Dayton Family, I can see what they were going for, just not my sytle. I'll rock the Psycho EP though.
5. Chaos Theory - Jumpsteady is definitely not a rapper and it shows on this release. His shit was tighter on his next release though. We need another audio book.

Side note...
Abaddon and The Only Solution were awesome albums!
Best Boondox has ever done and Cold 187um has awesome flows and story telling abilities.
Can't even believe these are getting so much hate.

Totally forgot about Dayton Family, I agree with you on that for sure.

It's funny, I like Krimson Creek way more than South of Hell. I thought South of Hell had some instant classics (Just Die, Red Dirt Road, Color You Dead, Cold Day In Hell, Where Do I Go?) surrounded by a lot of really corny, bad tracks (Some Kind of Devil, Love of My Knife, We All Fall, Toast to the Fam, In Between, Family Tree, Lezbehonest, Nothing To Lose, Watch Your Back). Meanwhile, Krimson Creek was pretty much great from beginning to end.

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