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Top 5 Worst Psychopathic CDs
December 1, 2015
7:32 pm
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Zero said

Totally forgot about Dayton Family, I agree with you on that for sure.

It's funny, I like Krimson Creek way more than South of Hell. I thought South of Hell had some instant classics (Just Die, Red Dirt Road, Color You Dead, Cold Day In Hell, Where Do I Go?) surrounded by a lot of really corny, bad tracks (Some Kind of Devil, Love of My Knife, We All Fall, Toast to the Fam, In Between, Family Tree, Lezbehonest, Nothing To Lose, Watch Your Back). Meanwhile, Krimson Creek was pretty much great from beginning to end.

Yeah, I can definitely see the appeal of Krimson Creek, but for some reason it just doesn't jive with me.
Everything from the production to the raps seemed kinda sketchy...
This is only my opinion, mind you
South of Hell was way tighter production wise and rap wise.

Love of My Knife was a wack track though, I agree with you there.

December 1, 2015
7:35 pm
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Wow, it takes all kinds. Seeing some of my favorites pop up on here more than once. I think Heartbroken & Homicidal is one of the most underrated Psychopathic cd's there is. Probably my 4th favorite Twiztid lp (I added the qualifier cause if I include Mirror Mirror, it gets knocked down to 5th...).

I'll do bottom 3. I don't think there's 5 Psychopathic cd's that I don't like.

3. Dark Lotus - Tales From The Lotus Pod re-release with ABK (A total hack job)

2. Legz Diamond & The Purple Gang - 9 Pistolas
1. Cold 187um - The Only Solution (An insult to those classic beats)

Krimson Creek rules. Mighty Death Pop rules. The Tempest is awesome. H&H is awesome.

December 1, 2015
7:45 pm
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MitchellKing said

Krimson Creek rules. Mighty Death Pop rules. The Tempest is awesome. H&H is awesome.

Disagree. Agree. Agree. Somewhat Agree.

December 1, 2015
8:24 pm
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MitchellKing said
Wow, it takes all kinds. Seeing some of my favorites pop up on here more than once. I think Heartbroken & Homicidal is one of the most underrated Psychopathic cd's there is. Probably my 4th favorite Twiztid lp (I added the qualifier cause if I include Mirror Mirror, it gets knocked down to 5th...).
I'll do bottom 3. I don't think there's 5 Psychopathic cd's that I don't like.

3. Dark Lotus - Tales From The Lotus Pod re-release with ABK (A total hack job)

2. Legz Diamond & The Purple Gang - 9 Pistolas
1. Cold 187um - The Only Solution (An insult to those classic beats)
Krimson Creek rules. Mighty Death Pop rules. The Tempest is awesome. H&H is awesome.

I didnt mind the abk lotus, I mean it was a total rush job but I didnt mind his parts and was never a fan of marz, with some more time and care it could have been dope. and I still dont get what the hell they were thinking of with that cold 187um album, I would have rather he just spit over g funk beats 

December 1, 2015
8:32 pm
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Heartbroken and Homicidal wasn't that bad, but it was a huuuge letdown considering it came out right after the fantastic album WICKED. It had a few good tracks, and some flops. It's weird, I couldn't tell you the name of a single song on that album, even if I was listening to the album. They're just that forgettable.
On a side note: In my eyes, Madrox was always at the helm of Twiztid, the "Violent J" of Twiztid if you will. When H&H came out it was like there was this huge polarity shift, with Mono becoming "the Violent J" of Twiztid and it's been that way ever since. Does anyone else feel this way, or am I just imagining shit that's not there?

December 1, 2015
9:22 pm
영덕, South Korea

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How is Road Fools not #1 on everyone's list? The music sucked, the bonus dvd sucked. It was really just complete shit and should have been scrapped.

December 1, 2015
9:29 pm
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Pigg said
How is Road Fools not #1 on everyone's list? The music sucked, the bonus dvd sucked. It was really just complete shit and should have been scrapped.

Not the Tempest homie? lol

December 1, 2015
9:47 pm

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Rosco said 

MitchellKing said 
Krimson Creek rules. Mighty Death Pop rules. The Tempest is awesome. H&H is awesome.   

Disagree. Agree. Agree. Somewhat Agree.   

wouldnt know.  agree.  agree.  agree. 

Zero said
On a side note: In my eyes, Madrox was always at the helm of Twiztid, the "Violent J" of Twiztid if you will. When H&H came out it was like there was this huge polarity shift, with Mono becoming "the Violent J" of Twiztid and it's been that way ever since. Does anyone else feel this way, or am I just imagining shit that's not there?   

no way of knowin unless ya know em, but its an interesting notion. 

  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

December 1, 2015
9:57 pm
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Pigg said
How is Road Fools not #1 on everyone's list? The music sucked, the bonus dvd sucked. It was really just complete shit and should have been scrapped.

It was so bad i forgot it existed, how the fuck did that ever get released? and that fucking dvd ehhh

December 1, 2015
10:00 pm
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havoc00 said
surprised more people didnt put Pony Down. I thought everyone hated that release  

That shit was dope as hell. The fuck you talkin about? lol

December 1, 2015
10:05 pm
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Zero said
Heartbroken and Homicidal wasn't that bad, but it was a huuuge letdown considering it came out right after the fantastic album WICKED. It had a few good tracks, and some flops. It's weird, I couldn't tell you the name of a single song on that album, even if I was listening to the album. They're just that forgettable.
On a side note: In my eyes, Madrox was always at the helm of Twiztid, the "Violent J" of Twiztid if you will. When H&H came out it was like there was this huge polarity shift, with Mono becoming "the Violent J" of Twiztid and it's been that way ever since. Does anyone else feel this way, or am I just imagining shit that's not there?

Ehh, I saw them as flip flopping the "helm" position if you will. Madrox definitely held it down in the earlier days if you wanna look at it that way, but I thought Mono shined more on Mirror Mirror for example. I can agree with you on H&H till lately being the period where Paul started to overtake Jamie lyrically, but they're still equally dope in my eyes. Then, IMO, you have an album like WICKED where they equally shine.

December 1, 2015
10:11 pm
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Carnivalkilla44 said

havoc00 said
surprised more people didnt put Pony Down. I thought everyone hated that release  

That shit was dope as hell. The fuck you talkin about? lol

i always heard people hate on it, hating how it didnt sound like past collabs and sounded redundant the whole way through etc....

December 2, 2015
12:29 am
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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Put the list backwards so I can keep the shit at the bottom.

5 Gang Rags-Really really disappointed in this one. Reminds me of an ABK album except in reverse. Blazes rapping was better while the beats were kind of garbage as ABK's rapping is kind of garbage while his beats are dope yet almost ruined as they get drenched in his lispy flow. ABK is Psy's Lil' Wayne. Got fucking lazy and wasted what could have been. Except Lil' Wayne has been picking back up again and is now a much better rapper than ABK is. Though Blaze's lyrics could never save this project for me. They weren't that good.

4 Pony Down-One good song then a bunch of half assed imitations of that song.

3 Found-I'm the one who called it ICP doing Kids Bop, because that's basically what it is. Every person I've ever showed this album to has always sayed, "what the fuck?" as their first reaction. The wicked clowns did die.

2 3:33-Two good songs and the rest absolutely sucked. Good thing the two good songs are on PFOS2 so you can have them on a good album rather than a shit one.

1 Furios- Soopa Villianz fucking sucked. So bad.


Albums that also sucked.

Mudface and Medicine bag.

These two perfectly showcase how lazy ABK has gotten. I made up this game called the ABK hook game where I throw out a word or phrase then you use the phrase in a hook like ABK would by repeating the same thing 3 times then something different for the fourth bar. I'll give you some examples.

I say 'Racist' and you say 'Who taught you to be racist? Who taught you to be racist? Who taught you to be racist? That's not my style, get the fuck outta here.'

If I say 'Rain Dance' you say, 'This my rain dance! This is my rain dance! This is my rain dance! Sorry, I didn't mean to rain on your parade.'

If I say 'Let Em' Outside' you say 'Let em' outside! Let em' outside! Let em' outside! AYYYAYAYAYAYA let those children play!'

If I say 'Thoughts of Suicide' you'd say 'You ever thought of suicide? You ever thought of suicide? You ever thought of suicide? Glad you didn't do it you wouldn't be here now.'

If I say 'Attitude' you'd say 'What's with the Attitude? What's with the Attitude? What's with the Attitude? Everybody is entitled to have one!'

You get the point. The ABK hook game.

I didn't put those albums on the list because the beats saved those projects. The production was really great on them.

Road Fools

This project was boring and corny. I didn't put it on because it wasn't an actual project, more like a tour EP.

The Only Solution

Never listened to it so it wasn't added to the list. Was sure it sucked just from knowing that it was all recycled beats.

9 Pistolas

It has it's moments, but sounds like a glee club mafia story written by ICP. Couldn't add it just because a lot of it can be really catchy. Like an STD.

Smothered, Covered & Chunked

I liked a lot of songs on it, but ultimately had to put it on for doing shitty covers of shitty songs until I remembered that embarrassment known as the Soopa Villianz.

The Shining

This album sucked. But I still liked it more than any of the albums in the list.

Crystal Skull

Now, I like Hoodoo and look forward to what hopefully will eventually come from this new artist of 3 years. But I only liked about half of his debut. I feel there was a strong sense of corniness spewing from this album. Couldn't tell if this was a horrorcore rapper or a Scooby Doo villain.

December 2, 2015
12:49 am
영덕, South Korea

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Roadfools was sold in record stores. I bought it at homers. It was the same price as a regular CD because of the dvd.

December 2, 2015
1:23 am
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Pigg said
Roadfools was sold in record stores. I bought it at homers. It was the same price as a regular CD because of the dvd.

yea i bought that piece of shit at fye

December 2, 2015
7:47 am
Curbstomp Productions
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Carnivalkilla44 said

Zero said
Heartbroken and Homicidal wasn't that bad, but it was a huuuge letdown considering it came out right after the fantastic album WICKED. It had a few good tracks, and some flops. It's weird, I couldn't tell you the name of a single song on that album, even if I was listening to the album. They're just that forgettable.
On a side note: In my eyes, Madrox was always at the helm of Twiztid, the "Violent J" of Twiztid if you will. When H&H came out it was like there was this huge polarity shift, with Mono becoming "the Violent J" of Twiztid and it's been that way ever since. Does anyone else feel this way, or am I just imagining shit that's not there?

Ehh, I saw them as flip flopping the "helm" position if you will. Madrox definitely held it down in the earlier days if you wanna look at it that way, but I thought Mono shined more on Mirror Mirror for example. I can agree with you on H&H till lately being the period where Paul started to overtake Jamie lyrically, but they're still equally dope in my eyes. Then, IMO, you have an album like WICKED where they equally shine.

Do ya'll remember Paul saying that "he just now started to understand music" and how to structure bars.  He said Jamie's been dope for 20 years at it and he's just now catching on to it.  He said WICKED is when he really started to catch on, and that's when I thought Paul really started taking shit over within Twiztid.  Cuz I thought the same, I always thought Paul was the lack luster one and now he's a fuckin BEAST!  I even bought the Mono Abominationz lol 

December 2, 2015
7:50 am
Curbstomp Productions
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Pigg said
Roadfools was sold in record stores. I bought it at homers. It was the same price as a regular CD because of the dvd.

havoc00 said

Pigg said
How is Road Fools not #1 on everyone's list? The music sucked, the bonus dvd sucked. It was really just complete shit and should have been scrapped.

It was so bad i forgot it existed, how the fuck did that ever get released? and that fucking dvd ehhh

^^This is so fuckin true!!!^^  Yes Pigg, absolutey i agree 1000% Road Fools is my #1 for sure.

December 2, 2015
8:39 am
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Oh god Road Fools and Mudface. Im gonna add those to my honorable mentions list. I can partially look past Road Fools but the album was weak.

True story about Mudface. I loved it when it first came out. Plus it was actually my first ABK album I bought. I was urged to check into Hatchet Warrior and I bought it and it blew me away. I then tried listening to Mudface and realized  how bad is was. To this day I maybe like three tracks on it. As as King Lucem pointed out the hooks are WEAK and repetitive and the worst was Same thing too ( I think that's what it was called)

December 2, 2015
9:16 am
Old Mr Dangerous
Old Mr Dangerous
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Can't believe it took peeps this long to drop Road Fools lol. What a waste. It was not without its merits, though.

There are two acceptable tracks on the album. 

And the DVD had a couple decent spots. The live footage was cool enough. And stay tuned to the mentally ill man in the wheelchair yelling after the end credits. 


Anyone heard V-Synyzter's album? I have not.

December 2, 2015
9:30 am
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Yeah, I was wondering about the V-Sinizter guy. 

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