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Top 5 Worst Psychopathic CDs
December 2, 2015
9:56 am

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thought i had said this before, in one of the first half-dozen threads that are identical to this one...  but maybe i havent. 


i couldnt tell ya which cds are the five worst, cuz whatever they are, i almost certainly havent heard them

cept perhaps cracked tiles.  got that one, it was pretty bad. 

beyond that, though...  yeah, doubt anything ive skipped was better than 9 pistolas, or any of jumps shit, or hoodoo, or various others that have been nominated. 

im damned sure that death pop or the tempest aint on the list.  no way. 

  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

December 2, 2015
11:04 am
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Death Pop is one of my favorite Joker's Cards. Far surpasses Bang Pow Boom or The Missing Link LP's.

December 2, 2015
3:34 pm
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Missing link found

missing link lost

heartbroken and homicidal

missing link lost

missing link found

December 2, 2015
9:26 pm
Miklo Velka
Miklo Velka
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Old Mr Dangerous said
Can't believe it took peeps this long to drop Road Fools lol. What a waste. It was not without its merits, though.

There are two acceptable tracks on the album. 

And the DVD had a couple decent spots. The live footage was cool enough. And stay tuned to the mentally ill man in the wheelchair yelling after the end credits. 

The live footage on the Road Fools dvd of that Hatchet ppv was awesome!

Just sucked that ABK and his homies terrible comedy skits kept interrupting the concert .

December 2, 2015
9:30 pm
Miklo Velka
Miklo Velka
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havoc00 said
surprised more people didnt put Pony Down. I thought everyone hated that release  

That is Violent J's favorite album that Psychopathic has ever put out.

Probably mine too.


December 3, 2015
12:17 am
Old Mr Dangerous
Old Mr Dangerous
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Pony Down is awesome as hell. 

"Way We Roll" off Road Fools is, too.

Bill Withers' "Lean on Me" is awesome, too. As hell.

December 3, 2015
9:50 pm
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Worst Psy. albums? anything by A.M.B. or young wicked! smile

K R U S H - K I L L - D E S T R O Y !

December 3, 2015
10:59 pm
Springfield VA
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King Lucem Ferre said
Put the list backwards so I can keep the shit at the bottom.

5 Gang Rags-Really really disappointed in this one. Reminds me of an ABK album except in reverse. Blazes rapping was better while the beats were kind of garbage as ABK's rapping is kind of garbage while his beats are dope yet almost ruined as they get drenched in his lispy flow. ABK is Psy's Lil' Wayne. Got fucking lazy and wasted what could have been. Except Lil' Wayne has been picking back up again and is now a much better rapper than ABK is. Though Blaze's lyrics could never save this project for me. They weren't that good.

4 Pony Down-One good song then a bunch of half assed imitations of that song.

3 Found-I'm the one who called it ICP doing Kids Bop, because that's basically what it is. Every person I've ever showed this album to has always sayed, "what the fuck?" as their first reaction. The wicked clowns did die.

2 3:33-Two good songs and the rest absolutely sucked. Good thing the two good songs are on PFOS2 so you can have them on a good album rather than a shit one.

1 Furios- Soopa Villianz fucking sucked. So bad.

I can't believe more people don't agree that Furious was by far the biggest let down mirrored with being one of the worst cacophonies ever released by the hatchet.  3:33 is number two on my list as well simply for this abortion of the term music



I mean DA FUQ?????


Id sub out Road Fools as my number 3 but otherwise totally agree with Lucem on this one...See kids we used to be adversaries on here and now we totally agree on stuff...its called growing up some ppl should try it.

"Somewhere theres a Waffle House thats severely understaffed right now" -OCJ to Scruffy watching a second stage act at the Gathering.

December 4, 2015
12:22 am
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I didn't mind Furious all that much but the way the album played out was completely repetitive. Between Shaggy yelling, repeating the uncatchy hooks and the beats were kinda meh. 

I can listen to Furious but compared to other supergroup debuts like Dark Lotus, and Psychopathic Rydas it was weak. Hell I even felt Reindeer Games was above Furious.

Side note about 3:33 I liked that one because it had less of a Violent J influence compared to Cracked Tiles. 

December 4, 2015
1:58 am
영덕, South Korea

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I reallh like "It's Over" and "Black Plague"

December 4, 2015
11:06 pm
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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OCJ_Brendan said
See kids we used to be adversaries on here and now we totally agree on stuff...its called growing up some ppl should try it.

I always liked you even when we were adversaries, I told you that.


But I think the biggest one was me and Novocaine. Me and Novocaine used to always be at each others throats and now we are cooler than gust of wind on a hot summers day.


But yeah, I really had to think on this one. Dig deep on shitty shit albums. Realized that despite my taste in music growing away from ICP, Psy really hasn't released too many super shitty albums.

December 5, 2015
4:17 am
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1. The wraith Shangri la- The start of the bullshit of icp and going in an entirely new direction of happy thoughts and completely abandoning the incredible 90's era

2. Road fools- No explanation needed.

3.  ICP the missing links- Lazy, lazy lazy, done over a bunch of dubstep/electronic songs that sounds like something a teenager from hot topic may enjoy. Violent J has gone a gone a bit overboard with the xanax and it shows in this giant load of shit

4. Twiztid- heartbreaks and emocides- an emo album made by twiztid. Seriously. 

5. soopa villianz- pure shit


December 5, 2015
11:50 pm
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The Purple Gang,  anything by Jump Steady. Cold 187. S.V. , M.C. Breed. that's a quick 5 !

K R U S H - K I L L - D E S T R O Y !

December 6, 2015
12:32 am
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When I saw the title of this topic I was like, nah, there's barely one bad Psychopathic CD, how could anyone name FIVE?  I mean, I knew people would mention heartbroken and homicidal because it's "emo," but what else could there be? 

And then reading through these posts I'm just like...oh yea. I just haven't even thought about those CDs because I never listen to them lol  

It's interesting to see how one ninja's favorite CD can be on another's worst list though.

December 6, 2015
7:58 am
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scruffy said

cept perhaps cracked tiles.  got that one, it was pretty bad. 

I'll have to disagree with Cracked Tiles. I've always enjoyed that album and felt it's an underrated Psychopathic album for sure. It's definitely a unique sounding album and is pretty weird at times, but it works. I've barely listened to 3:33 but that one was not unique or interesting at all from what I recall. 


Definitely noticing plenty of ABK's work mentioned, and rightfully so. How's that guy get a record deal of any kind? I could never get with it and his voice is off putting. . And YES, it's because of his speech impediment. There, I said it. Marz had some pretty ridiculous lyrics and an obsession with "pussy holes" and assholes, but his voice and flow fit well in Dark Lotus. ABK doesn't have the right tone at all. "The Walls" is an awesome song, but when the song kicks off with him yelling "I can't thheeee youuuu!" I'm like ugh. 

December 7, 2015
6:19 pm
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I will probably get a lot of shit for this but i'd like to add the original version of tales from the lotus pod with Marz... He is the worst rapper to ever been associated with psychopathic.. His voice ruins every song.


December 7, 2015
6:29 pm
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Bostin said
I will probably get a lot of shit for this but i'd like to add the original version of tales from the lotus pod with Marz... He is the worst rapper to ever been associated with psychopathic.. His voice ruins every song.


you said Marz


December 7, 2015
6:30 pm
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Bostin said
I will probably get a lot of shit for this but i'd like to add the original version of tales from the lotus pod with Marz... He is the worst rapper to ever been associated with psychopathic.. His voice ruins every song.

co-sign. fuck marz.

December 7, 2015
6:33 pm
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dood said

co-sign. fuck marz.


You also said Marz


December 7, 2015
9:58 pm
Forum Posts: 1647
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April 13, 2012
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maybe not fuck Marz, but yea, fuck Mars! big difference!

K R U S H - K I L L - D E S T R O Y !

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