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Tech Sold Out
June 1, 2012
2:27 pm
Forum Posts: 15
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June 1, 2012
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I just must be hearing something different than the rest of you. I feel Tech is at his peek right now in musical ability and the artists he is signing are only helping him to further his inspiration and vice versa.

June 1, 2012
6:27 pm
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He was at his peak 10 years ago. Heard him reference the same shit on numerous tracks.

June 2, 2012
2:58 am
Forum Posts: 133
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I wanna first strart buy sayin my statement is not to be a diss to anyone or ment to be disrespectful, I dont know you guys other then the posts you guys make on here so I will not talk shit to any of you. With that said:


OH MY GOD!!! How sick and tired of mainstream vs.underground I am, that shit is played the fuck out, fuck em both. Fuck the mainstream but you know what, fuck the underground also. The underground is stuck up as fuck! As soon as anyone gets any mainstream success they are consided a sell-out, As soon as they get a song in a movie or video game, a song on the radio or a video on TV or they win a major award, the underground bails on them. I thought being underground was suppose to be a place you can be yourself, turns out if you dont conform to thier standereds, they dont except you, just like the mainstream. I understand doing music on an underground level, your doing it for the love, because when your underground, you make next to no money. But if you want to make it as a serious artist in the music buisness you have to have mainstream success of some kind. .

Underground artists struggle: You have to be willing to pay other artists to be on your album but you gotta be willing to do shit for free for others, for the exposer. You have to be willing to do a show for free & willing to pay your way to be thier, for the exposer. You gotta premote & premote nonstop in all your freetime, you gotta spend money on a producer or on recording equipment, a mic, cd labling kits, you gotta do everything yourself. Basically, if your doing it underground your not gonna make a whole lot of money, your gonna have to keep a normal job to make a living, & your doing the music for the love


Mainstream artists struggle: You have to sign a contract for either a certain amount of time or a certain amount of albums. You have to do everything the record label, your manager & A&R tell you to do, they contol your image & what you say, they can even control they sound of music you make. You gotta be willing to take a lot of shit & do what you are told to do. You sacriface your privacy because fans & photographers constaly hound you, you cant go no where in public with out getting ran up on. People stalk you. Basically, when your mainstream you get all the fame & money, but lose everyhting else in the process. You lose your underground following, & sometimes you lose friends & family You must really love doing music, not just the fame & money, but you must love doing the music if your willing to give up that much to do it.



Bottom line, we juggalos. The mainstream hates us, but so does the underground. All other cliqs & groups in the underground outside of juggalos hates juggalos. Metalheads, hip-hoppers, punks, ravers, rednecks, emo sceen kids, geeks/nerds, goths, rockers, skaters, wrestling fantics, MMA fans, ska kids, alternative kids, & all other groups from the underground, they hate on us. The underground hates us as much as they mainsteam, so why rep for them. Juggalos & juggalettes are a culture all its own. A culture that stands outside both mainstream & underground. thiers the Mainstream, thiers the Underground, & then thiers us, the Dark Carnival, standing back lauging at how stupied both the underground & mainstream are & how useless thier petty war with each other is. Juggalos dont give a fuck if its mainstream or underground, if we like it we bump it. Thats why at the Gathering of the Juggalos each and every year they have musically acts from both.


As for Tech, Im a fan, I always have been. I dont like everything he does, but thats the cool thing about Tech, he does a little bit of everything. If he truly wanted to be all mainstream, he would stop showing juggalo love & painting his face & stop doing music that juggalos like. If he stopped showing juggalo love, he would prolly get twice as famous from every other walk of life, so hes not showing juggalo love to make money, he does it cause he actually has love for us, it prolly costs him more money then makes him, thats just my opinion about that tho

June 2, 2012
11:18 am
Forum Posts: 15
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June 1, 2012
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In response to R.A.M.
I support labels like Sub Noize and Strange to the fullest because they provide artists a stable job where they can make stable money but also get to have artistic freedom, Psy is like that for some of their artists like Twiztid and now ABK. Which speaking of, in retrospect leaving Psy was the smartest move ABK ever made because when he decided to come back they were so desperate to have him back on the roster they gave into what his conditions were.

June 2, 2012
11:22 am
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June 1, 2012
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And I really think a lot of you guys just have a hard time letting go of the old, in the sense that it's not the way that a certain artist does their music anymore, and you have a hard time embracing the new and different. At least that's the way it's coming across. Dinner and a Movie was the most solid album Lynch has ever done minus all the sketches IMO.

June 2, 2012
11:30 am
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In response the “mainstream” will always follow the artist and intergrate them into the “mainstream” flow. Yes the “mainstream” is going Tech but that's what it does. This thread was also made for people discuss exactly how they feel he sold out i.e his lyrics started becoming the same on almost every track at least referencing caribou lou or kc tea. In reality he sold out his lyricism for liquor sponsorship.

June 2, 2012
1:24 pm
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April 4, 2012
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I don't get how someone “sells out”. It's either you like the artists music or you don't. I could give a fuck less if ICP and Tech were on MTV everyday (even though I don't think they play music on MTV anymore). Is everybody really that concerned that at one point or another in their careers they said fuck the mainstream, but then according to a lot of you went “mainstream”. Is there people out there really losing sleep over it? (Apparently because yall keep feeding this thread). 

Fuck if I was ICP or Tech you bet your ass I would go where the money is. It's stupid not to. If you're a true fan of their music who cares if they rap on MTV or behind a fuckin dumpster? If you think their music sucks now compared to something before you did like, well shit isn't that what having an opinion is about? You know what? In my opinion I would like to see a Twiztid/Jay-Z collabo. Now there's probably a million people who would hate that, but at the same time there is probably a million others that think it would be fresh.

On the topic of lil wayne because I saw a few people here mention him, I guarantee if he approached ICP to do a track together they'd be all over that shit. Fuck I wouldn't be surprised if they asked him, It's business and you know what the song would probably be dope. Shit it might be whack as hell and I might hate it. So what, it's just a song.

Whoop Whoop Carnivalkilla44 :

June 2, 2012
1:30 pm
The Warlock
New Mexico
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the funny thing is there isnt much money in the mainstream all of those rappers are just portraying an image theyre not really living you gotta be on a eminem minaj wayne etc level to have big money so in reality people like tech & icp make more money than cats like 2chainz are while independant cats dont have to ho themselves out to the industry


but yeah i wish all of my fav artists much success cuz they deserve to be bigger than the people who are cuz theyre allot better


June 2, 2012
2:20 pm
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Tech sold the skill he had for music everyone can enjoy. That’s a no no. Any response is either gonna be why not make music for everyone or about the “mainstream” blah blah blah. Listen Tech skill is sold out. The lyrical content from Absolute Power and All 6’s and 7’s is drastically pathetically different. That’s how you compare an artist to their current and previous work. Lynch hasn’t drastically changed his lyrical abilty since he started. Tech went from decent lyrics to oh another reference to liquor and another and another reference to liquor. Listen to Zombie and figure what the fuck he is talking about other than caribou lou and Kc Tea. It’s the fans purpose to criticize the music they pay for that’s what people don’t get. Tech sold out. KMK is whack for the same thing weed can only be the subject of your records for so long before it gets old.

June 2, 2012
2:43 pm
The Warlock
New Mexico
Forum Posts: 11727
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March 31, 2012
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damn that wouldve looked allot fresher if the response background wasnt grey lol


June 2, 2012
10:46 pm
Forum Posts: 133
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June 1, 2012
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Well on Tech then, in my opinion I dont think he has sold out. I loved All 6's & 7's, I havent heard all of Welcome To Strangeland yet, but I really like what I have heard, & I actually like Gates Mixed Plate, he said it was gonna be a party album & in my opinion, he came thur. Now of course I dont like every song. Sence Tech does do shit for pretty much everyone, thiers shit I like & shit i dont. Like on Bad Season mixtape, i dont like that song “Lick Your Teeth”, but for the most part, I personally really like Tech & what he does, & I find myself enjoying most of his songs. If I put in a pile, a list of Tech songs I do like & then a pile a list of songs by Tech I dont like, thier would be diffently more songs I do like compaired to songs I dont. But maybe by “underground standerds” he has sold-out, but like I said, I dont care about mainstream or underground, so I dont use the phrase “sell-out”, like Madrox said on”Cnt” off of “Mirror Mirror”, “Its not in my vocabulary, I dont understand that shit” lol. Rememeber, these are just my opinions. 

June 6, 2012
3:50 pm
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May 21, 2012
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Starvin_Marvin said:

I used to chill with Cross Eyed Joe quite often when he was in charge of Strange promotion in Austin (before heading out to work closely with Tech) according to him when Tech gets drunk he sometimes slams ICP and attacks them for being white boys rapping and fucking up the “rap” world, he bitches about his dying black audience due to ICP's promotion…… what a bitch man……


And yeah he quit Strange because they're assholes now.

he's never claimed to be a juggalo but says he got love for us….not every Psy affiliate is gonna like the music and I’m sure Joe and Joey know that and are fine with just being cool with other artists on a personal level.

June 7, 2012
12:46 am
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Doesn't matter where an artist raps. I seen a video of RA The Rugged Man established rapper rapping in a basement like a year ago. The lyrical content and ability an artist has is all that matters. If you reference caribou lou, kc tea or some other shit in all of your songs you suck. Tech sold out yes he did yes he did to shitty drinks and songs everyone can enjoy. Fuck that. While on the subject of fuck that fuck the fans for not realising it.

July 26, 2012
2:35 pm
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May 26, 2012
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The funny thing about all this selling out talk is this.

When you discover a new artist or new type of music you like, it’s the shit. I used to play my Anghellic cd to anyone that would listen when I first got it. I did the same thing when I first got a copy of Riddlebox .. My friends hated it .. But you rode in my car .. You were hearing it period. Then over time people started notching who Tech and ICP were and that was great. I want the people doing music I like to continue making music. Problem is people latch onto certain things like They OWN it.

“keep it in your click, fuck the outside”

Which is the problem … Nobody spending half their life making music doesn’t want to be successful, do you want a group of super loyal fans .. Like Juggalos? Of course .. But on the same front … Do you want people that may have never heard your music to discover it too? Of course … That’s why they make music …. So the masses can enjoy it. I see people start talking about stuff like this all the time about bands and it’s silly to me. At some point you were a huge fan of Tech n9ne .. Why would you not want the guys dreams to come true, rich and famous on the back of his music.

People like ICP, Tech, even RA the Rugged Man … Whether you want to admit it or not … Since the day they started rapping, the idea was to get as many people buying albums as merch as possible. Sucks you don’t like his newer stuff … But if he kept putting out the same old stuff every year everyone would grow bored with it.

July 26, 2012
4:44 pm
Forum Posts: 160
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April 1, 2012
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i like tech but alot of his shit is bullshit like caribou lou

July 26, 2012
4:46 pm
Forum Posts: 796
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May 22, 2012
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i agree it isnt really Tech selling out…I just think its more or less him getting more comfortable/lazier with his song writing skills and not really trying to push the envelope like he used to…which is cool cuz obviously its appealing to an audience out there but me personally don't like a whole lot of his newer material…Welcome to Strangeland was dope and 6's & 7's had some cool songs but overall I felt he was trying to experiment too much with new sounds (like he did in some ways on Killer) and it kinda fell flat…KOD was my shit all in all…didn't like any of his verses on Kaliko's new cd though (aside from Hello Walls) so idk…we'll see where he goes from here…not too excited about this EBAH alter ego

July 26, 2012
6:37 pm
Forum Posts: 548
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May 26, 2012
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What did ebah end up meaning?? I never heard

July 26, 2012
9:11 pm
Forum Posts: 84
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July 20, 2012
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scruff said:

juggalo interpreter will now translate:

'soandso sold out'


'soandso is doing what they wanna do, instead of what i want them to do'


July 27, 2012
4:27 am
Forum Posts: 548
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May 26, 2012
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DeeryLette said:

scruff said:

juggalo interpreter will now translate:

'soandso sold out'


'soandso is doing what they wanna do, instead of what i want them to do'



August 2, 2012
8:40 pm

iLLtheClown said:

Tech sold the skill he had for music everyone can enjoy. That's a no no. Any response is either gonna be why not make music for everyone or about the “mainstream” blah blah blah. Listen Tech skill is sold out. The lyrical content from Absolute Power and All 6's and 7's is drastically pathetically different. That's how you compare an artist to their current and previous work. Lynch hasn't drastically changed his lyrical abilty since he started. Tech went from decent lyrics to oh another reference to liquor and another and another reference to liquor. Listen to Zombie and figure what the fuck he is talking about other than caribou lou and Kc Tea. It's the fans purpose to criticize the music they pay for that's what people don't get. Tech sold out. KMK is whack for the same thing weed can only be the subject of your records for so long before it gets old.

so you say Tech has changed his style… lryical content is same from absoluyte power and all 6's and 7's….ok first off LYNCH, listen to 24 deep/season of siccness then listen to any strange release thats his or any verse featured on… the whole sound/RHYME SCHEME is tottally different, not 2 mention, mentioning same word 4 times in a rhyme…..ok back to tech. absolute power is way different compared ot all 6's n 7's both production wise, and lyrical content down 2 even delivery. Everybody knows, Tech pre= Absolute power was still high on X, even absoulte power he was…thas why travis said “i can tell your still on drugs on this record” shits grown, that was in 2002, its 2012 …he's grown up, off drugs,  he has kids, ex wife, and making $ and getting props he deserves. yes his shit is kinda hit or miss nowadays, ill admit it.. but nobody is doing it in the game better then he is right now and STAYED consistent for 10+ years…besides ICP, ok now lets look ICP who were never lyrical geniuses, or lyricists, but back n day had their shit on lock, after the 6th hell even, after jeckel brothers and mike clark left…it obviously left a sour taste in ICP's mouth and they tried to duplicate/replicate sample, shit that worked, but never got back 2 original sound… Which is ok 4 them, once the 6th dropped, they could do whatever the fuck they wanted, calm, tempest, eye of storm…all STALE AS FUCK…trying 2 find the sound they once had and re kindle some kinda fan love. different producers to even themselves producing…shit bombed  then comes the “WE'D NEVER DISRESPECT THE ORIGINAL JOKERS CARDS BY RELEASING NEW CARDS” Quoted from Violent J……..WTF happens cpl years laater …BANG POW BOOM “1ST OF NEW SET OF CARDS” ….which btw sucked, they tried to get back to sound that fed them., hiring mike e clark back…trying 2 re kindle that love…BUT WHAT HAPPEN??? MIKE E CLARK IS NOW HOOKED ON ECSTASY…and wants skrillex sounding bullshti just like his cd mike E clarks E” emporioum”…….ICP has earned their dues in the game, wether whack or phat..just like old days.  They get their hands in anything they can and make $$…props!! Tech has grasped this concept from them if he learned anything from their days together…hence merch, hella tours, cds, dvd's even started the vIP meet n greet packages WHICH NOW FINALLY ICP/psy is doing… Tech been around since 92 basically same as ICP , both have paved way, inspired, created, demolished, and BOTH NOW  FINALLY getting props…let these mothafuckers get their $$ and provide for their families like they've always wanted and sit back an listen… 

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