3:31 pm
April 8, 2012

I mean come on…….
Men with their girlfriends on a leash with a sign that says “blowjobs for 50 bucks”?
I watched 4 men fuck a 15 year old girl rolling outside the gates
Weed, acid, shrooms, ecstacy, yeah I dig music enhancing drugs…… but Tar Heroin? Crack? Meth?
And my biggest issues:
Lot's of random people saying Juggalos are retarded (does no one else notice all the haters that go?)
No one giving a fuck about anyone but the mainstage artists
Dumbasses going “Can I see your girlfriend tits? Come on we're family show me your tits!” like why the fuck did I bring my girlfriend?
People throwing shit at the artists that you paid to see
And like everyone that I talked to, every fucking 10 steps (literally), “whoop whoop, wanna buy some cocaine? No? Okay, whoop whoop”…… “whoop whoop, wanna buy some meth? No? Whoop whoop….”
and finally, what the FUCK is up with people filling up glass bottles full of water to throw at people's fucking heads?
Is this festival just a place for drug dealers to make money now? I mean shit, there were so many goddamn drug dealers that were fucking OBVIOUSLY not Juggalo's.
I went to the Gathering in 2002 as a graduation trip and had a completely different experience (And the fact it was indoors with no camping has nothing to do with it)
Not trying to hate, it really does bother me……. Anyone else have this experience?
3:44 pm
April 8, 2012

3:50 pm
March 31, 2012

5:21 pm
April 2, 2012

8:07 pm
last went in 07. i wouldnt say it was shitty, but everything starvinmarvin pointed out was goin on for sure. way too many slingers, way too many haters.
i mustve offered to referee about a dozen fights. i dont like to see juggalos fight at all, but if theyre gonna, i at least want it to be more or less fair. in the end, mostly they cooled off, but no other ninjas were doing much about it. juggalos were getting hurt, and instead of draggin them off to the aid station, most kids would laugh.
just as an exercise, i followed six or seven dealers around, i mean for hours. some of them were waaay too organized to have been there for any orther reason. a few… lets just say it was real interesting. with so much money flying around, sooner or later some stick up kid is gonna show up lookin to knock somebody over. two crews almost had a gang fight every time they saw each other, over some kinda murder beef that i never got the details on.
there was these two cats who had parked their spotless luxury car near us, benz or whatever. they were wearing expensive clothes, even loafers. they were both on their cells at all times. selling coke and pills to everyone. these guys were about as juggalo as my lawyer. on day one, they wanted to pay me and my boy to go fuck some kid up for getting spazzmatic on their clothes. they had no idea where they were.
on a personal note, it was hot as fuck, my bro had his money disappear on him, and something about the place put the zap on my girlfriends head. both me and her ran into people we knew were dead [it wasnt them, of course, but still fucked with us]. i seen billy bill fuck up some juggalo for no real reason, nothing new but its nothing cool, either. i couldnt sleep much cuz of all the fuckin thieves all around. plus i was the driver, i was already fatigued as hell.
i could go on for hours. not like it was all bad, but it shouldve been better. it doesnt help that the last gathering i had gone to was in peoria. i see why we cant have the gotj in a city any more, but damn i wish we could.
9:18 pm
I'm not gonna lie and say that there is shit that shouldn't be at the Gathering. I have been to three so far and I still have a great time but the things that urk me are the drug bridge, beer cans being thrown during shows, girls whoring themselves out. I will say however the drug bridge at the 2011 gathering was not as bad I mean there was the usual like weed, shots, pills, but there were more people selling beer and cookies than drugs. One thing I can't stand is dudes throwing shit during the shows. I don't mind beach balls or faygo bottles. But I've been hit with beer cans, gatorrade bottles, mustard bottles if you can believe that. As for the girls whoring themselves out I can't control that I mean don't get me wrong I don't mind juggalettes flashing or walking around naked. But during my second gathering me and my homies went down to see Boondox perform and as we were walking through the scattered crowd behind the sound booth there was a couple fucking in front of everyone. At first I was like wow and then I was like ewwwwwww. There are things your going to see that you don't like at the GOTJ but you gotta make the best of it. I honestly agree that the drug bridge should be or at least controlled.
12:28 am
I can honestly say besides the drug dealing, using and sexual natured acts….I didnt peep one fight between los or any hating by some outsiders going on at the 05 one. That was a good 7 yrs ago though, Esham, ICP, Twiztid, and Blaze/ABK were hypemen for each others sets
side note one VIVID memory is seeing a maintenance guy pull a trash bag out of the can and garbage like hamburgers and corndogs and a MASSIVE MAGGOT AMOEBA like pile moving it made me walk far away
3:38 am

April 1, 2012

11:45 am
April 6, 2012

I’ve been to the past two gatherings. I love the gathering, I knew after the first one I went to that I would never miss it. however i can’t help but identify with starvin marvin’s observations and anger. dude, i myself have never seen anyone throwing a glass bottle LET ALONE with water inside of it but even hearing that people are seriously doing that…that pisses me the fuck off. just imagining feeling that smack you in the fucking head, that could easily concuss you.
i can’t stand the heroin addicts and base heads that occupy the grounds during the gathering. get the fuck out you addicts. it’s also fucking amazing that with so many fake ass people and haters at the gathering, you'd think us real ninjas would up and do something about it but no one wants to ruin their gathering experience i guess so we just walk past and make our own comments. fuck that shit, we really need to take hold of this whole situation before the juggalo name and culture is completely diluted and irretrievable
Whoop Whoop lordzero :
SPOOKYtheFUNGI12:51 pm
March 31, 2012

12:58 pm
March 31, 2012

iLLtheClown said:
Juggalos police the gathering. Kick out people if you see them dealing crack and heroine. Take the lettes whoring themselves and boot them as well or verbally smack them around. The Gathering is for us so let's clean it the fuck up.
cosign also add asskickings to those who throw shit that can cause damage hell even J cosigned that shit a few years back
Whoop Whoop The Warlock :

April 1, 2012

I’ve had a few less-than-great Gathering experiences happen in the 12 that I’ve been to. Yes, I’ve been to all of them, and each one was pretty fuckin different than the other. The overall worst one was in 2006 in Pataskala. No, there wasn’t a drug bridge, but it WAS the first time I had ever been offered coke at a Gathering. That’s not saying much because I tend to surround myself with my homies that I only get to see a few times a year, but it still was shocking to me.
That Gathering was a clusterfuck. Sleeping in cow shit, having to buy hay for $20-30 a bail just so you had a place to sit and set up camp, and I think ice was $10 a pop. We had some beef going on with AMB’s crew at the time too so that made everything pretty uneasy. My wife got pelted with a mag light, and we about had a Braveheart style rumble in the field by mainstage. It was insane.
Other than that shitstorm of a gathering, I’ve always had a great time there! A few other things worth mentioning on the bad side of things:
- – in 2005 there was a “Juggalo clean-up crew” that I was a part of. It was kind of like a volunteer Gathering police put together by Juggalos. We had medallions made and everything for those who participated. Apparently it was going around that anyone in that group were narcs, and I got threatened a few different times for wearing the amulet. In the end I just took it off because who needs the trouble.
- – In my opinion, drug bridge has gotten worse every single year than its predecessor. I completely avoid it and go across the little bridge where Club Chaos usually sets up. Seriously, fuck that bridge…I hope it collapses.
- – While I think that allowing cops into the Gathering is a horrible idea, having security monitor that bridge may not be a bad idea. If you came unprepared from home and can’t walk around the Gathering 24/7 fucked up, then I guess you’ll just have to experience everything sober. Oh the humanity!
- – There were some kids throwing fucking M80s during a seminar. I saw it happen once, and on the 2nd time as they were lighting it, nobody was saying shit and they were giggling like school girls. I had to go like 3 rows up and just asked them “What the fuck?!” I asked if they were wanting to hurt someone and how funny that would be? They stopped.
- – My wife is a trooper and usually sits through every single seminar with me while it’s being filmed. The trash wars are just ridiculous and pointless. the “Fuck the front” and “fuck the back” chants are funny, I’ll admit. But throwing full, unopened beer cans is just not right. My wife got pegged with one last year and is like “I’m sorry, I’m out”.
6:57 pm
April 8, 2012

ScottieD said:
I've had a few less-than-great Gathering experiences happen in the 12 that I've been to. Yes, I've been to all of them, and each one was pretty fuckin different than the other. The overall worst one was in 2006 in Pataskala. No, there wasn't a drug bridge, but it WAS the first time I had ever been offered coke at a Gathering. That's not saying much because I tend to surround myself with my homies that I only get to see a few times a year, but it still was shocking to me.
That Gathering was a clusterfuck. Sleeping in cow shit, having to buy hay for $20-30 a bail just so you had a place to sit and set up camp, and I think ice was $10 a pop. We had some beef going on with AMB's crew at the time too so that made everything pretty uneasy. My wife got pelted with a mag light, and we about had a Braveheart style rumble in the field by mainstage. It was insane.
Other than that shitstorm of a gathering, I've always had a great time there! A few other things worth mentioning on the bad side of things:
- – in 2005 there was a “Juggalo clean-up crew” that I was a part of. It was kind of like a volunteer Gathering police put together by Juggalos. We had medallions made and everything for those who participated. Apparently it was going around that anyone in that group were narcs, and I got threatened a few different times for wearing the amulet. In the end I just took it off because who needs the trouble.
- – In my opinion, drug bridge has gotten worse every single year than its predecessor. I completely avoid it and go across the little bridge where Club Chaos usually sets up. Seriously, fuck that bridge…I hope it collapses.
- – While I think that allowing cops into the Gathering is a horrible idea, having security monitor that bridge may not be a bad idea. If you came unprepared from home and can't walk around the Gathering 24/7 fucked up, then I guess you'll just have to experience everything sober. Oh the humanity!
- – There were some kids throwing fucking M80s during a seminar. I saw it happen once, and on the 2nd time as they were lighting it, nobody was saying shit and they were giggling like school girls. I had to go like 3 rows up and just asked them “What the fuck?!” I asked if they were wanting to hurt someone and how funny that would be? They stopped.
- – My wife is a trooper and usually sits through every single seminar with me while it's being filmed. The trash wars are just ridiculous and pointless. the “Fuck the front” and “fuck the back” chants are funny, I'll admit. But throwing full, unopened beer cans is just not right. My wife got pegged with one last year and is like “I'm sorry, I'm out”.
My thoughts are that most of the problems are from the people that come that are NOT Juggalos, and the kids (under 18) who come just because they want to experience complete lawlessness and be complete assholes. I don't think there's a way to govern that, but that's also why I choose to stick with hanging with my click of people that we roll with every year, and the certain homies we see there annually. Don't get me wrong, I always meet a gangload of Juggalos every year that I love to get to know, but it seems like the bad are quickly gaining on the good folks that attend.
I'm glad to see you have similar feelings Scottie, I usually get hate from people saying I'm too pussy or that's what being a Juggalo is all about, not giving a fuck…… And in all reality I was just slightly heartbroken. And anyone who thinks they can give a good excuse for 4 men literally molesting a 15 year old girl can go kill themselves. I didn't know there would be such a massive amount of non-Juggalo's at the fest.
There doesn't need to be cops there, they just need to hire volunteers. A lot of festivals here in Austin recruit people (mostly college students) to help work the fests, they usually get free passes and pick break times to see their favorite bands. Although that could just make it worse lol.
I will say I did meet a lot of great people there, and I even still keep up with them. Funny thing is they had the same experience I did lol.
Oh and yeah Scottie, those assholes on the bridge straight up pressure you, and I can tell most of them don't even like Psychopathic. Let me know if you need any volunteers for another police force
6:59 pm
'volunteer gathering police'
sounds like a good idea, but it cant work, especially if you use the word police.
if there was some kind of brute squad filled with concientious juggalos tryin to get everyone to do right, id happily volunteer. but then, psy would have to issue them flak jackets and stun guns, or eventually theyd get swamped and stomped. any kinder approach is just gonna be dissed, ignored, and have little effect.
whats the bigger offense to the juggalo code, throwing heavy objects, or sweatin another juggalo to the point of force for throwing heavy objects? unless the vast majority is on your side, you cant really do shit about it.
11:34 am
April 1, 2012

I have had nothing but great gathering experiences, I have been to 6 gatherings and each one has been amazing in its own way. Of course there is going to be stale shit going down, but its up to you to not associate with stuff that bothers you. Its about who you hang out wit and what yall do with your time that that makes the experience fresh.. Now if you dont like open sex, or open drug use, or drugs being offered to you thats just fine and dandy.. just ignore it.. I have no problem telling people no i dont want drugs or no to this or that… Have an open mind and realize that not everything there is for you, and have the power to say no and youll be just damn fine.
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