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Knee Deep Necro Self Titled EP
February 5, 2015
5:48 pm
Forum Posts: 7
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February 5, 2015
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Hey Fam what up, Check out my Self Titled EP I'm sure you'll dig it. I have it available for Free for listen of download at

You can also download the zip at

Thanks fam, MMFWACL. Whoop Whoop!

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February 5, 2015
5:58 pm
randy gall
randy gall
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necro aint no good man  and that ill will guy  sucks

Whoop Whoop randy gall :


Noah Fence is a RACIST piece of shit and so are you if you support him. No excuses.

February 5, 2015
6:13 pm
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Homie this has nothing to do with necro or ill will. I'm a rapper from Chicago. My Rap name is Knee Deep Necro. I have no affiliation with necro or ill will.

February 5, 2015
6:35 pm
randy gall
randy gall
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then why do you have that same dam name man?

Whoop Whoop randy gall :


Noah Fence is a RACIST piece of shit and so are you if you support him. No excuses.

February 5, 2015
6:50 pm
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Knee Deep- Sunk or covered to the knees

Necro- indicating death, a dead body, or dead tissue

[from the Greek word Nekros Corpse]

Knee Deep Necro- Knee Deep in the Dead


I make horrorcore music and a vast amount of my lyrics are about people dying in some way. Honestly I've never listened to necro. I know of him, I know who he is, but his music isn't really to my interest. Just because he uses a word from the dictionary as his rapping name doesn't mean anyone who uses that word affiliates or even knows him. You wouldn't say that H.P. Lovecraft wrote his book the necronomicon because he likes necro would you? That word has been around since ancient greece. I'm not dogging you or anything I'm just simply proving to the fact just because his single worded popularly used rap name is in a 3 word rap name of mine does not make me affiliated with him. I'm not going to change my rap name that I have used since 2010. It's well suited and I put time into thinking it up and it relates to my music. Other than that I don't know what to say. If you don't like Necro that's cool but don't make the assumption that I affiliate with him based on something like that. If your not willing to give my music a chance based off of something as ridiculous as that then that is your decision. anyways, I think I've proven my side, if you want to check me out cool, if not no biggy.

Much clown love, Knee Deep Necro.

February 5, 2015
7:17 pm
randy gall
randy gall
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man that would be like me having my name randy 2 dope

Whoop Whoop randy gall :


Noah Fence is a RACIST piece of shit and so are you if you support him. No excuses.

February 5, 2015
11:10 pm
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That statement makes no sense what-so-ever. To me at this point your irrational responses make it seem that you are trying to stir up an argument. Looking for trouble perhaps? Since I've posted this thread you have made one negative statement after another with no reason or logic behind your responses. From the looks of everything posted so far it seems to me you are in my thread to deliberately attack me or to troll my post. I've been very clear with my responses and have been very respectful. In return you have merely made asinine statements towards every response I have made. I have been polite and in turn it seems you have spat in my face. Again if I am wrong, which I am almost certain I am not, then I do apologize for my rational accusation. If you are indeed trying to start trouble then I must decline as I am not a hostile person and I have better things to do. I am not going to waste my time arguing over such nonsense. If you have something positive to bring to the table here then by all means. If not then don't waste your time responding as I will no longer waste my time reading such negative responses.

Thanks again, Knee Deep Necro

February 5, 2015
11:50 pm
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My new name is Violent Bza

February 5, 2015
11:53 pm
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You remind me of Prozak mixed with Wicked Dub/Torchur

February 6, 2015
12:45 am
Forum Posts: 7
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February 5, 2015
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Thanks homie, I take that as a real compliment. Prozak's the shit. MMFWACL, Whoop Whoop!!!

February 6, 2015
12:50 am
King Lucem Ferre
King Lucem Ferre
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Hi, Knee Deep Necro, my name is Shoulder Deep Kanye West.

February 6, 2015
1:00 am

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kneedeepnecro said  
[a large portion of the declaration of independence]    

you, uh, havent read all that many threads other than this one, huh?  

no, you have not.  


lets start again...  

kneedeepnecro said  [edited for brevity]  
hello, im kneedeepnecro, i got music for you to check out  
reverbnation link  
mediafire link  
thank you initialism whup!      

greetings;  welcome to the forum;  and as you can see, we have a randy gall here [for reference, see any thread that randy gall has posted to].  


and now [quite predictably], my first question to you is about the name.  

why not just go with 'knee deep'?  you didnt reeeally think everybody was gonna give you a pass on the 'necro' part, didja?  granted, its not as bad as the kid that came in here hypin his new group 'house of krazees', but its still isnt gonna fly very high.  might as well be called 'notthatnecro,theothernecro' or sumn.  medium hoodoo.  blaze ya dead acquaintance.  

besides, the phrase doesnt even make sense.  are you knee-deep in necrotic tissue?  

dont shake your head too much at what im saying.  a name change is in order.  hell, necro probably could sue, if he didnt like you.  


oh yeahhh...  you had music.  i forgot, after bein completely distracted by the necro issue that you say you have proven your 'side' of, and is therefore settled forever [nope].  

yeah, ima check the music out in a lil bit, maybe come back and talk about it.  


i sure hope youre smiling as you read this, @kneedeepnecro, cuz ultimately, youve earned it.  you seriously cant blame us.  



this was written this way to be entertaining to whoever.  partially myself.  point being, it isnt disrespectful at all.  in fact, neither was anything randy gall said.  why, he didnt even threaten to shit in your mouth.  

before assuming you are under attack, first learn how the various ninjas here attack people.  



i didnt really need to add this...  but it kinda cracks me up, just how many wicked-ass horrorcore rappers say shit like, 'im not a hostile person'.  


  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

February 6, 2015
1:21 am
Forum Posts: 7
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February 5, 2015
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Just to try to keep things a bit organized here so I can answer each question as accurately as possible I just copied your following statement I hope you don't mind.


greetings;  welcome to the forum;  and as you can see, we have a randy gall here [for reference, see any thread that randy gall has posted to]. 


Thanks for the greeting, and as you can see I am new here. I do not know this randy one bit.


and now [quite predictably], my first question to you is about the name.  

why not just go with 'knee deep'?  you didnt reeeally think everybody was gonna give you a pass on the 'necro' part, didja?  granted, its not as bad as the kid that came in here hypin his new group 'house of krazees', but its still isnt gonna fly very high.  might as well be called 'notthatnecro,theothernecro' or sumn.  medium hoodoo.  blaze ya dead acquaintance.  

besides, the phrase doesnt even make sense.  are you knee-deep in necrotic tissue?  

dont shake your head too much at what im saying.  a name change is in order.  hell, necro probably could sue, if he didnt like you.  


To be honest I never even heard of necro until last April. If it's not liked then I don't know what to say other than I can't please everyone. Knee Deep Necro means knee Deep in the Dead. It symbolizes how my music is submerged in death.


oh yeahhh...  you had music.  i forgot, after bein completely distracted by the necro issue that you say you have proven your 'side' of, and is therefore settled forever [nope].  

Like I had stated in my previous response to Randy "Again if I am wrong, which I am almost certain I am not, then I do apologize for my rational accusation". This statement was to ensure my intentions were not meant to start trouble. I had taken ownership of my wrongs if I had been falsely accusing Randy. If I am wrong, then yes I do indeed apologize to Randy. I am not looking to start trouble and even until my last post I was polite.

yeah, ima check the music out in a lil bit, maybe come back and talk about it.  


i sure hope youre smiling as you read this, @kneedeepnecro, cuz ultimately, youve earned it.  you seriously cant blame us.  

I assure you at this given time I am not smiling, not upset but not happy about this ordeal either. I didn't want drama to start. IF we can settle this peacefully I would very much appreciate it. Again if I am wrong about my past statements then I do apologize to Randy. I'm looking to gain support from the fam not to gain enemies or get people to hate me.


this was written this way to be entertaining to whoever.  partially myself.  point being, it isnt disrespectful at all.  in fact, neither was anything randy gall said.  why, he didnt even threaten to shit in your mouth.  

before assuming you are under attack, first learn how the various ninjas here attack people.  

Honestly when I used the word attack I meant it as being trolled. I probably should have chosen my words more carefully but oh well.


i didnt really need to add this...  but it kinda cracks me up, just how many wicked-ass horrorcore rappers say shit like, 'im not a hostile person'. 

I really am not a hostile person. I write music, I enjoy it. Would I commit the acts that I commit in my songs? No. Though I stated that I am not hostile that does not mean I am a pacifist either. I simply am not looking to cause trouble or start drama. I merely want to show people my music that I am offering to people for free so people can enjoy something I am passionate about.

Again, I am sorry for the confusion and to Randy if I have offended you in any way then I am sorry. Any further questions or comments feel free to ask. :)



February 6, 2015
2:08 am

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dunno if youd prefer this in the form of review, or constructive criticism.  so, ill mix em together.  


intro is waaaaaay too long.  especially considering it precedes another intro-like track that has a lead-in of its own.  much like the interlude that leads to... another interlude with a twenty-second verse.  

mixing is no good.  all over the place with it, and much is clearly not mixed well enough to use.  new mixdowns all around, if i was you.  

new takes, while youre at it.  you vaguely resemble prozak in terms of voice timbre, maybe.  but thats about it.  you sound like youre reciting a poem for the first time.  if you are doing spoken word, youre okay, but this is barely recognizable as rapping.  

and the writing could be better.  its not miserably bad, but could be better.  


hey, bonus shit!  hey... another intro.  that introduces an instrumental...  well anyway.  


overall id rate it 3.0-3.5 or so.  outta 10.0 possible.  

on the warlock scale...   its close, but unfortunately, i think hes got you ever so slightly edged.   <<<<<<warlock.  

jiffy long has you beaten handily.


further points:  

1]  dont tell people how long youve been rapping.  no one will believe you, and even if they do, theyll wonder why you havent gotten better yet [see warlock].  2010?  you shouldve had a lot more practice, then.    

2]  delivery.  get some.  

3]  never, ever use the presets.  they stand out like a beacon, and make your shit seem cheap.  ignore them.  

4]  whole thing is less than half an hour spread across twelve tracks, on two seperate eps, with a lotta null time.  and a remix.  just sayin, theres not much here.  when taken with 1], its not a good look at all.  


5]  and yeah, name change.  definitely.  ya cant hang on to it cuz you like it.  you just cant.  it will not work.  youll never stand up to necro, not with this crowd; and like it or not, necro is long established, you aint.  



kneedeepnecro said  
[the stuff above]    

i am a hostile person.  

not right now, and not over the internet.  what i mean is, hostile is a fair description of me as a person.  


also, this isnt even approaching drama.  go read a bunch of other threads.  

i mean it.  read a bunch of the other threads, right now.  learn who you are among.  


  awfully paranoid, arent you?   

February 6, 2015
2:17 am
Forum Posts: 767
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September 8, 2013
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BZA said
You remind me of Prozak mixed with Wicked Dub/Torchur

@masterweedo Agree?

February 6, 2015
2:29 am
Forum Posts: 7
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February 5, 2015
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Thank you, I am actually very grateful you gave me an open and honest review of my music. This is exactly what I've been needing to hear. I can't fix what's wrong if I don't know whats broken, you know what I mean? Anyways yeah I was aware the quality was pretty bad as well as the mixing. I do everything on my own from the beats to the mixing and well you get the picture. I'm still fairly knew with recording full length songs as most of my stuff has been demos and single verses I've dabbled with to try to find my sound. I have the upmost respect for your open honesty, seriously everyone I have shown my music to has told me how amazing it was and I knew it wasn't. I just needed to hear what I need to work on so I can get better. We all start somewhere right? I will take note of your review and work on the things you have mentioned. If you have any pointers you'd like to give I'd very much appreciate it. Also the remix was something one of my friends did and I just threw it in there to get his stuff out there. that was never originally planned. Actually that whole second album was really just tracks I couldn't fit anywhere else so I just wanted to give them away without actually putting them on the album. I'm far from professional when it comes to rapping, I know this and I am working on it. Practice makes perfect right? Anyways again I want to give you a big thanks for the honesty it really means a lot to hear that. I hate that sugar coated bs, it really doesn't help me or anyone else and it certainly doesn't help my progression in my music.

Now onto the other business. When I had stated I wasn't looking to start drama I wasn't say it was drama. I was merely throwing up a white flag saying hey I'm here to make peace, not to fight. I don't want people getting the wrong impression of me ya know.

Anyways thanks again, and if you have anything else you'd like to discuss or any tips you may have to help me in my music you can contact me either here or on facebook.


Much respect and much clown love, Knee Deep Necro.

February 6, 2015
2:33 am
Forum Posts: 767
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September 8, 2013
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Abbreviate to KDN, sounds good.

February 6, 2015
7:12 am
Sean Law
Sean Law
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my name is  Neck Deep In Vagina!


lol @ Randy Gall killin shit!

I'll fuck you till you love me, Faggot!


February 6, 2015
7:15 am
Sean Law
Sean Law
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oh yea, and your horrible and I hate your voice

I'll fuck you till you love me, Faggot!


February 6, 2015
8:00 am
Novocaine, The Blue Collar King
Novocaine, The Blue Collar King
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i stopped reading after scruffys post because i realized it wasn't actually necro. 

i vote for name change and ill listen, or maybe i wont.

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